Monday, January 31, 2005

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Our Pastor ED, Bethany, Chris, and Lindsey Posted by Hello

A couple of the Teske girls Posted by Hello

Worship team working out a new song Posted by Hello


I am so proud to be a part of this church, Pastor Ed and Julie House
have pioneered a wonderful Rhema Word based Church. Those have
been some pictures of some of the Families.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

There's always time for a pinata. Posted by Hello

These children seek and desire to be loved, many come from violent, drug addicted, alcoholic, or broken homes. Posted by Hello

One can see the heart of the missionaries get filled Posted by Hello

Some of the Rhema group had a great time entertaining the children with Gospel derived skits Posted by Hello

It's hard to believe people live here. Posted by Hello

Our feeding ministries reach from the basurero (City Dump) Posted by Hello

Mexico City, a large place with even bigger needs Posted by Hello

Mexico City is are target, 27 million people. Posted by Hello

No one is buying bathing suits. Posted by Hello

Door County

Still stuck in Door County....But loving it!