Thursday, May 05, 2005


Dia de los Ninos was another fantastic event at Rhema Bible Training
Center. The grounds were completely decorated for the children,
food was prepared, games were set up, baskets filled with toys, candy
and goodies were assembled days before. I was so caught up in the
past week "Conocer a Rhema" and the wonderful speakers, I had no
idea all these preperations were taking place...It was like Christmas!
Everyone pitched in and made for a great day for the Children.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

These kids are just starting the day and you will see how much fun they have ahead. Posted by Hello

Dia de los Ninos, Childrens Day...It was fun for all who attended. Posted by Hello

The women worked very hard at preparing all types of healthy snacks for the day. Posted by Hello

The men weren't to be out done. Posted by Hello

John preping onions for the Hot Dogs. Posted by Hello

Gaby and her family ready to pose. Posted by Hello

Another satisfied, entusiastic customer. Posted by Hello

Brother and Sister, Happy and Sleepy Posted by Hello

Even Spiderman took time to worship our Father. Posted by Hello

Pastor Tim had a wonderful message for the children, he was BIBLEMAN. Posted by Hello

David Diaz was having a time as Zorro! Posted by Hello

All the kids were given a fun basket full of...well...FUN. Posted by Hello

Enrique "THE HULK" had a great time with all the kids. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

This back yard was transformed from cement drab to all this color.Posted by Hello

Many games, but this was a lot of fun to watch. Posted by Hello

I tried this game...oh well. Those are donuts Posted by Hello

A spray of ice confetti. Posted by Hello

Pastor Rhonda buying her sugar fix. Posted by Hello

A little fun in the inflatable thing? Posted by Hello

A pair of shades, a lime popcicle,and a swing, not too bad.Posted by Hello

These little kids had a blast!...........I did. Posted by Hello

Paty,Israel, and Rebbeca...what an awesome family. Posted by Hello