Saturday, February 26, 2005

Me and my Niece Lauren in So Cal Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 24, 2005


With great anticipation Mission Mexico 2005 has begun. I will travel
across the United States visiting with family and friends 10 days before
arriving to Mexico City. I thank all those people who have helped make
this wonderful journey a reality, financial support, moral support,
spiritual support, and above all your prayers have effected my life
deeply. I am truly blessed to have reconnected with Paul Krause and
his family, We share a common love for Christ, and a joy designing and
building jewelry. Coming to work in Door County has open so many
spiritual doors I never knew existed. I am thrilled to be able to share my
life between here, California, and Mexico. I am blessed to be able to
enjoy my job, my co-workers, my Door County Family "The Krauses"
and my Church, DOOR OF LIFE.
Thank you to All...Frank Rubio aka Pancho

The summer crowds are gone, but nature takes over...God's fingerprint. Posted by Hello

Ephriam is where I call home, Eagle Harbor has many beautiful vistas Posted by Hello

Eagle Tower, a landmark built by Paul Krause's Grandfather. Posted by Hello

Fish Creek offers beauty year round Posted by Hello

I won't miss the shoveling. Posted by Hello

The beauty of snow, the blue skies, I will miss Door County...Quite Solitude apprieciated. Posted by Hello

Looking out my Apartment window reminds me that in the stillness is the reflection Posted by Hello

Friday, February 04, 2005

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I will be spending two months in Mexico City. Most of my time will be
spent at The Rhema Bible Training Center as an intern. I will be
involved with day to day operations and anything that needs to be done.
Along with that I will be working in many Feeding Outreaches. Some
will be on the streets with the Children of the Street, (Ninos de la Calle)
These kids have lost hope and are addicted to the cheapest of the drugs
inhalants, this just fries their brains in a short period. We are there to
Love them, feed them, and share God's compassion with them. 85% of
them don't make it, they are as young as 11 and reach ages of 22,
mostly they die before they get any older. Both boys and girls. The first
time I spent time with them I was so scared...but after a little time with
them you see inside a child of God, more scared yet happy to see you,
less fortunate than you yet with a laughter not possible but real. The
territorial fights amongst themselves, the stealing, the lack of hope is
also real so we hope that our visit helps.
We also visit orphanages with children of all ages, the fortunate ones
get to live there full time, protected, schooled, feed and listened to.
The other Centers cater to children of broken homes, drug addiction,
alcohol abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse touch all these kids
one way or another. The pictures below show how resilient they are,
and how a little fun, compassion and Love go a long way. I am so
proud to be a part of these wonderful missionaries that serve year
round... please keep them in your prayers.

It starts with the smallest eyes, attached to the biggest hearts. Posted by Hello

Many of the Rhema students are called to entertain. Posted by Hello

The children just love a clown. Posted by Hello

Kevin, Gabby, Gloria, and Victor await the Men's Club. Posted by Hello

This feeding outreach provided pizza as well as a pinata. Posted by Hello

One pinata, some candy, a little rope, a bat, and a handful of kids = FUN Posted by Hello

It's hard to believe how easy it is to put a smile on a child's face. Posted by Hello

"Let the little Children come to me" Luke 18:16 Posted by Hello


Mexico City
Population: 27 million
Roman Catholic: 89.7% Protestant: 5.2% Charismatic and
Pentecostal: 2.6%
Most Mexicans are culturally Catholic but still bound by sin, narrow
traditionalism and religious practices, and only 10% are regular
churchgoers. Persecution of Evangelicals has been a traditional feature
of Mexico. In the last decade, the problem has been sporadic but real.
For example, there has been abuse in the media with Evangelicals
portrayed as anti-Mexican spies and destroyers of Mexican Culture.
Mexico City increases by 5,000 inhabitants a day.
At least 50% of the population is under 20 years of age.
The average temperature for Mexico City is a beautiful 72 degrees.
Traffic can be a challenge as an average day will have 2,000,000 cars
on the at one time. Average drive time North to South: 4 hours,
East to West 2 hours.

There are many beautiful places within the city as well Posted by Hello

A little traffic never hurt anyone Posted by Hello

Street vendors are a daily event near the Cathedral. Posted by Hello

This only a small part of the outskirts of the city Posted by Hello