Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Mexico City
Population: 27 million
Roman Catholic: 89.7% Protestant: 5.2% Charismatic and
Pentecostal: 2.6%
Most Mexicans are culturally Catholic but still bound by sin, narrow
traditionalism and religious practices, and only 10% are regular
churchgoers. Persecution of Evangelicals has been a traditional feature
of Mexico. In the last decade, the problem has been sporadic but real.
For example, there has been abuse in the media with Evangelicals
portrayed as anti-Mexican spies and destroyers of Mexican Culture.
Mexico City increases by 5,000 inhabitants a day.
At least 50% of the population is under 20 years of age.
The average temperature for Mexico City is a beautiful 72 degrees.
Traffic can be a challenge as an average day will have 2,000,000 cars
on the at one time. Average drive time North to South: 4 hours,
East to West 2 hours.

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