Thursday, October 06, 2005


Hello everyone, well I made to Mexico City and I couldn't
be more blessed. I spent my first week attending a Pastor's
Conference, we heard a lot of great messages from so many
different speakers. It was the perfect warm up to what was
just on the horizon. The following week we had orientation,
most of the morning was spent going through the school
handbook and then a message from Pastor Tim or Rhonda,
Praise and worship was very fun as well. But on the last day
we had a American Bar-B-Que, along with everyone dressed
country style, Mexican or American. You won't find a picture
of me posted...We were also given a ceramic piggy bank
to paint, this gave us a chance to intermingle and meet other
students. It was a fun day!
Sunday at services the Church had a pie and cake auction
I bid on everything and kept pushing the price up. The money
was for our new on campus coffee house. Cakes sold from
$60.00 to $260.00, it was great to see the Sunday
congregation helping out the Bible school. As a student you
are asked to continue at your home church and be a blessing
to them. So the School and regular congregation don't inner
mingle much, just on special events. I am in a good position
here, I get to be a part of both. My first week of normal
classes started Monday the 3rd, WOW I am just blown away
by all the revelation being imparted to us, I know that I know
that I am in the right spot... Pray that my classmates and I
(17 to 75 years of age) have our hearts open to what the
Holy Spirit wants to impart to us about God's written and
spoken Word. AMEN Frank

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