This outreach in the middle of downtown Mexico City was rough. We
ministered to street kids, homeless street kids hooked on inhalants.
We just had to bear down and do it and not think to much, it was quite
sad, as well as uplifting hard to explain but these kids were so happy
that someone was loving on them. They enjoyed the plays, one kid got
up and explained how he needed love in his life and wanted God and
Jesus to be with him. He encouraged the others to except Christ
as well. We feed them, gave out toys and mostly had fun with them.
Many pictures speak for them selves. 8 teams went out over two
weekends and feed over 1000 people. Not counting all the candy and
Dearest Frank,
It has been a very long time since we spoke. I searched for your name on google and here you are happy and healthy helping those who are not. Your mission in life brought a smile to my face. It has been many years since you mentored me at the Gemological Institute and now what a great evolution with your mentoring. I hope to hear back from you and would love to contribute to your ministry. Have a wonderful day. Your Friend, Patty LaBreck
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