Friday, March 28, 2008


Hello everbody, thank you to those of you that helped make the
Holy Week, Semana Santa, Spring Break Mission Trip possible.
We had a great time interacting with all the different people from
the United States, Mexico City and all the small villages.
We traveled 5 hours outside of Mexcio City and brought teams
of dentists, hairstylists, and children's entertainment workers.
We teamed up with a local church where our daily devotions and
breakfast prepared us for the work ahead.
I can not express how much fun I had, everything from the
bus ride, to the water baptism, to the laughter. I hope
these photos will give you a brief idea of what it was like.
Hello to my Rhema USA missionaries. Gracias a todos.
Thank you Door of Life Church for all your support.

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