Praise be to God, I am here. I have been at Rhema
for about 3 weeks, and have been in some wonderful
services with Pastors, Tim, Rhonda, and Enrique.
Prayer, and Corporate Prayer have had a huge impact
on my life...I have been moved so much! You are
all in my daily prayers here. Yes, we pray together
every morning! "OUTSTANDING" I have but a few minutes
on my breakfast break so I have to run now. I think
of all of my Family, Blood, Christian, and Secular
I love you all, Frank
Well 4 years have pasted and I am headed back home. Thank you to those who have sent support through prayer, comments, emails or cash. I assisted small churches in the Mexico City area. We worked on many toy and food drives for Christmas and year round, as well as opening a lunch and homework center for kids Thank you to all. Frank
Thursday, March 31, 2005
All those services, all those blessings
The Church at Rancho Bernardo
I had the great pleaser of hooking up with my old
roommate Mike Hennes while visiting San Diego. The church
he attends is The Church at Rancho Bernardo,Pastored by
Harry Kuehl and Jeanette Moffett. I was fortunate enough
to join Mike,his friend of 25 plus years Bruce, Bruce’s wife
Dana, and their friend A.J., wow A crowd of friends going to
church together, which was fun in it’s own right. The Praise
and Worship Team was unbelievable! An awesome groove, Pastor
Harry came out and with in just a few words I new this was an
anointed Man Of God.However this days service was a bit
different, Pastor Harry was going to sit and listen while
Pastor Jeanette shared the Word with us all. She started by
talking about something close to my California heart, Surfer
talk (a particular vocabulary Not to be confused with Valley
girl talk), she spoke of her young son and his teenage Friends
and how their language was completely descriptive, and when
you knew the language of surfer it was all about the Wave,
the Ride, and the equipment surfer will talk about the size,
the force, the shape, everything but how to create a Wave.
A ten minute excerpt from the movie “Step into Liquid” was
shown on the Big screen, Wow, I have seen the whole movie and
recommend it highly, anyway the excitement of the professional
surfers was so much fun to see, experience their Passion, and
how our walk with the Lord can be equated to riding the wave,
however many of us don’t have nearly the passion or direction
or the commitment these surfers have to the wave. So Pastor
Jeanette posed the question, “Where’s your commitment?”
She continued on with many encouraging words and got me to
raise my commitment Level, that’s one of the fun things about
following Christ, were are never done, always something new to
learn, something that needs a better adjustment, a new set of
steps to climb, the more one digs the more one finds. Sometimes
this can be annoying As well if one is not in a place to receive,
or not around caring friends who what nothing better than for
one to excel to those next levels. Those upward movements can
be difficult without the grace of God and the support of godly
friends with similar goals. I was so proud to be around friends
while listening to that message, because I know who to turn to
when times get tough and at least 4 other people I know heard
that Message with me. Thank you to Mike, Bruce, Dana and A.J.
I had the great pleaser of hooking up with my old
roommate Mike Hennes while visiting San Diego. The church
he attends is The Church at Rancho Bernardo,Pastored by
Harry Kuehl and Jeanette Moffett. I was fortunate enough
to join Mike,his friend of 25 plus years Bruce, Bruce’s wife
Dana, and their friend A.J., wow A crowd of friends going to
church together, which was fun in it’s own right. The Praise
and Worship Team was unbelievable! An awesome groove, Pastor
Harry came out and with in just a few words I new this was an
anointed Man Of God.However this days service was a bit
different, Pastor Harry was going to sit and listen while
Pastor Jeanette shared the Word with us all. She started by
talking about something close to my California heart, Surfer
talk (a particular vocabulary Not to be confused with Valley
girl talk), she spoke of her young son and his teenage Friends
and how their language was completely descriptive, and when
you knew the language of surfer it was all about the Wave,
the Ride, and the equipment surfer will talk about the size,
the force, the shape, everything but how to create a Wave.
A ten minute excerpt from the movie “Step into Liquid” was
shown on the Big screen, Wow, I have seen the whole movie and
recommend it highly, anyway the excitement of the professional
surfers was so much fun to see, experience their Passion, and
how our walk with the Lord can be equated to riding the wave,
however many of us don’t have nearly the passion or direction
or the commitment these surfers have to the wave. So Pastor
Jeanette posed the question, “Where’s your commitment?”
She continued on with many encouraging words and got me to
raise my commitment Level, that’s one of the fun things about
following Christ, were are never done, always something new to
learn, something that needs a better adjustment, a new set of
steps to climb, the more one digs the more one finds. Sometimes
this can be annoying As well if one is not in a place to receive,
or not around caring friends who what nothing better than for
one to excel to those next levels. Those upward movements can
be difficult without the grace of God and the support of godly
friends with similar goals. I was so proud to be around friends
while listening to that message, because I know who to turn to
when times get tough and at least 4 other people I know heard
that Message with me. Thank you to Mike, Bruce, Dana and A.J.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
All those Services, All those blessings I
These past 3 weeks have been a bit of a challenge, everything
from my website not altogether working, to not very reliable
internet service, lets just say things are different here.
I found an interesting internet workstation, bank, coffee house
and who knows what else. So I write to you about the different
church services on my journey to Mexico.
World Harvest Church, Murrieta, I was blessed to attend
serviced with Paul Krause and his Family. The regular pastors
were out of town so wewere blessed with a message by Pastor
Ramos, he was visiting from San Diego. His message was about
walking in Love. He spoke of honor, how many times we don't
honor others, we don't inturn love others. Our daily life is
full opportunities to honor others, but we many times miss
it in the smallest of things. Loving those who love you is easy
how about loving that guy who disrespects you, that person you
know is on the wrong path and you want to tell everyone else
about it. Wow our world is full of small opps to love others
through simple honor, how often are we doing it. Pastor Ramos
is Filipino, a man of color, he has been blessed wtih many
gifts, fruits of the Spirit, he has made some good, sound
relationships with many American Pastors, a while back he felt
his difference in skin color was holding him back the other
pastors were looking at him as different, that was all in his
headhe wasn't honoring them, he was making something up that
didn't exsist,he was falsely putting up a barrier, and not
allowing those pastors to truley impart to him through his on
misgivings. He wasn't honoring them, he was thinking poorly
of them...Wow as a Mexican I do that all the time in Door County
around all the white people, well lighter colored than me,
I am Sorry to all I have prejudged.
That night was great, how many times I hear a message on
walking in Love and I can still hear something new...
similar messages, new ears.
Pancho Rubio
from my website not altogether working, to not very reliable
internet service, lets just say things are different here.
I found an interesting internet workstation, bank, coffee house
and who knows what else. So I write to you about the different
church services on my journey to Mexico.
World Harvest Church, Murrieta, I was blessed to attend
serviced with Paul Krause and his Family. The regular pastors
were out of town so wewere blessed with a message by Pastor
Ramos, he was visiting from San Diego. His message was about
walking in Love. He spoke of honor, how many times we don't
honor others, we don't inturn love others. Our daily life is
full opportunities to honor others, but we many times miss
it in the smallest of things. Loving those who love you is easy
how about loving that guy who disrespects you, that person you
know is on the wrong path and you want to tell everyone else
about it. Wow our world is full of small opps to love others
through simple honor, how often are we doing it. Pastor Ramos
is Filipino, a man of color, he has been blessed wtih many
gifts, fruits of the Spirit, he has made some good, sound
relationships with many American Pastors, a while back he felt
his difference in skin color was holding him back the other
pastors were looking at him as different, that was all in his
headhe wasn't honoring them, he was making something up that
didn't exsist,he was falsely putting up a barrier, and not
allowing those pastors to truley impart to him through his on
misgivings. He wasn't honoring them, he was thinking poorly
of them...Wow as a Mexican I do that all the time in Door County
around all the white people, well lighter colored than me,
I am Sorry to all I have prejudged.
That night was great, how many times I hear a message on
walking in Love and I can still hear something new...
similar messages, new ears.
Pancho Rubio
My dinner with Pastor Robert Gonzales
Before starting my trip to Mexico I was fortunate enough to meet Pastor
Robert Gonzales and his wife Virgina. I was invited to dinner by Mike
Azevedo and his wife Leann. We all broke bread together. Pastor Robert
is a man on FIRE for the Lord. I was a bit taken back at first, his
eyes popping out because he can't say the words fast enough, his voice,
his hands moving in all directions this is a Man of God, full of the
Holy Spirit, overflowing with Joy,Teaching,and Passion. He and his wife
have traveled the world sharing the Word of God. He speaks of Africa,
England, Mexico, the Ozarks, and countless other locations. He speaks
of healing in all those places, the funniest was the Ozarks What we
would consider backwoods folk full of moonshine, overalls,missing teeth
and married to a cousin....he a hispanic man traveled into those woods
and shared Christ's message of Love, Grace, Forgiveness, the Cross, the
Blood shed for our sins. Baptism, Speaking in tongues, singing and
dancing to the Lord, the visitation of the Holy Spirit and the healing
of the sick. And that was just in one location, he is a man that shows
no fear, from the backwoods to a bridge in London on dodgey side of
town to an AIDS infested village in Africa,Pastor Robert is making a
difference. Believe me when you meet him you know the grace of God is
covering him and his Wife. I told him where I was headed, Rhema Bible
Training center... he just said so peacefully," Ah, Pappa Hagin"
He is a man saved from a drug induced DEATH to LIFE eternal by Christ.
He had spent many trips to Jail, the first ones weren't by choice
either. He has Ministered to these men from the inside and from the
outside, once while in San Francisco he was arrested while preaching
God's Word of Love and Grace to Prostitutes semi protected by the
policemen in the area. They told him he would be in Jail for 4 days...
he started his work inside, he was thrown out half way into the 3rd
day, the guards didn't want to have anything to do with him and the
turning of hearts, he unlike me was disappointed to be let out early...
he still felt he had work to do! This guy is a nut, a freak,
all for Jesus!
He is also working with a group of young Pastors, working on
provision for retired Pastors, men of God well into thier 70's and 80's
who have pioneered many churchs, trailblazed back in the 40's and 50's
and now faithfully believing in God's provision these Pastors are
bridging that gap, being an instrument of God.
I thank Mike and his wife Leann for inviting me to dinner that
night, I was feed the Word of God through the ACTION of others.
Robert Gonzales and his wife Virgina. I was invited to dinner by Mike
Azevedo and his wife Leann. We all broke bread together. Pastor Robert
is a man on FIRE for the Lord. I was a bit taken back at first, his
eyes popping out because he can't say the words fast enough, his voice,
his hands moving in all directions this is a Man of God, full of the
Holy Spirit, overflowing with Joy,Teaching,and Passion. He and his wife
have traveled the world sharing the Word of God. He speaks of Africa,
England, Mexico, the Ozarks, and countless other locations. He speaks
of healing in all those places, the funniest was the Ozarks What we
would consider backwoods folk full of moonshine, overalls,missing teeth
and married to a cousin....he a hispanic man traveled into those woods
and shared Christ's message of Love, Grace, Forgiveness, the Cross, the
Blood shed for our sins. Baptism, Speaking in tongues, singing and
dancing to the Lord, the visitation of the Holy Spirit and the healing
of the sick. And that was just in one location, he is a man that shows
no fear, from the backwoods to a bridge in London on dodgey side of
town to an AIDS infested village in Africa,Pastor Robert is making a
difference. Believe me when you meet him you know the grace of God is
covering him and his Wife. I told him where I was headed, Rhema Bible
Training center... he just said so peacefully," Ah, Pappa Hagin"
He is a man saved from a drug induced DEATH to LIFE eternal by Christ.
He had spent many trips to Jail, the first ones weren't by choice
either. He has Ministered to these men from the inside and from the
outside, once while in San Francisco he was arrested while preaching
God's Word of Love and Grace to Prostitutes semi protected by the
policemen in the area. They told him he would be in Jail for 4 days...
he started his work inside, he was thrown out half way into the 3rd
day, the guards didn't want to have anything to do with him and the
turning of hearts, he unlike me was disappointed to be let out early...
he still felt he had work to do! This guy is a nut, a freak,
all for Jesus!
He is also working with a group of young Pastors, working on
provision for retired Pastors, men of God well into thier 70's and 80's
who have pioneered many churchs, trailblazed back in the 40's and 50's
and now faithfully believing in God's provision these Pastors are
bridging that gap, being an instrument of God.
I thank Mike and his wife Leann for inviting me to dinner that
night, I was feed the Word of God through the ACTION of others.
Friday, March 18, 2005
My Southern California Visit
I had a wonderful time making my way across the U.S. visiting friends
and Family. The Rubio Family has a new addition; Matthew Scott Rubio
he is my nephew and niece's 2nd child, the first being Lauren.
Congradulations to Andrew and Vennessa. With all the preperation
for my Taxco trip I didn't get to see all my brothers but I did get to
enjoy church with one of them, Joe. We went to his church during the
week, It was the first service of a 7 month series for the men of that
church, imagine 300 men on a week night, plummers, lawyers, MDs,
school teachers, small business owners from the ages of 21 to 85 all
praising, worshiping, praying and hanging out together, all with one
common goal...opening their hearts to God, their ears to the promtings
of the Holy Spirit. It was incredible! The main theme for the 7 months
will be "who's your wingman?" Men go through life very independent
we don't always form deep lasting friendships, I'm not talking about
the business aquaintence, the beer buddies, the gym partner... No,
they were talking about deep friendships with Christ as the common
denominator, when times get tough, economic, spouse, children or
that elusive relationship with God, who do we turn to? These 7 months
will be an outline for those men to yeild to one another and work on
making lasting friendships. There were four areas of committment
I was so blessed to see guys praying and walking up to a board, place
their name tag on it and say this is were I can committ! I was also so
happy to be able to praise, worship, pray, and laugh with my brother
Joe that night.
I made it to Rhema Mexico Sunday, that's a whole other story for
later! I am having difficulties uploading pictures, I should have it
worked out soon. For now just text AMEN Frank
and Family. The Rubio Family has a new addition; Matthew Scott Rubio
he is my nephew and niece's 2nd child, the first being Lauren.
Congradulations to Andrew and Vennessa. With all the preperation
for my Taxco trip I didn't get to see all my brothers but I did get to
enjoy church with one of them, Joe. We went to his church during the
week, It was the first service of a 7 month series for the men of that
church, imagine 300 men on a week night, plummers, lawyers, MDs,
school teachers, small business owners from the ages of 21 to 85 all
praising, worshiping, praying and hanging out together, all with one
common goal...opening their hearts to God, their ears to the promtings
of the Holy Spirit. It was incredible! The main theme for the 7 months
will be "who's your wingman?" Men go through life very independent
we don't always form deep lasting friendships, I'm not talking about
the business aquaintence, the beer buddies, the gym partner... No,
they were talking about deep friendships with Christ as the common
denominator, when times get tough, economic, spouse, children or
that elusive relationship with God, who do we turn to? These 7 months
will be an outline for those men to yeild to one another and work on
making lasting friendships. There were four areas of committment
I was so blessed to see guys praying and walking up to a board, place
their name tag on it and say this is were I can committ! I was also so
happy to be able to praise, worship, pray, and laugh with my brother
Joe that night.
I made it to Rhema Mexico Sunday, that's a whole other story for
later! I am having difficulties uploading pictures, I should have it
worked out soon. For now just text AMEN Frank
Thursday, March 17, 2005
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