Friday, March 18, 2005

My Southern California Visit

I had a wonderful time making my way across the U.S. visiting friends
and Family. The Rubio Family has a new addition; Matthew Scott Rubio
he is my nephew and niece's 2nd child, the first being Lauren.
Congradulations to Andrew and Vennessa. With all the preperation
for my Taxco trip I didn't get to see all my brothers but I did get to
enjoy church with one of them, Joe. We went to his church during the
week, It was the first service of a 7 month series for the men of that
church, imagine 300 men on a week night, plummers, lawyers, MDs,
school teachers, small business owners from the ages of 21 to 85 all
praising, worshiping, praying and hanging out together, all with one
common goal...opening their hearts to God, their ears to the promtings
of the Holy Spirit. It was incredible! The main theme for the 7 months
will be "who's your wingman?" Men go through life very independent
we don't always form deep lasting friendships, I'm not talking about
the business aquaintence, the beer buddies, the gym partner... No,
they were talking about deep friendships with Christ as the common
denominator, when times get tough, economic, spouse, children or
that elusive relationship with God, who do we turn to? These 7 months
will be an outline for those men to yeild to one another and work on
making lasting friendships. There were four areas of committment
I was so blessed to see guys praying and walking up to a board, place
their name tag on it and say this is were I can committ! I was also so
happy to be able to praise, worship, pray, and laugh with my brother
Joe that night.
I made it to Rhema Mexico Sunday, that's a whole other story for
later! I am having difficulties uploading pictures, I should have it
worked out soon. For now just text AMEN Frank

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