Saturday, March 26, 2005

All those Services, All those blessings I

These past 3 weeks have been a bit of a challenge, everything
from my website not altogether working, to not very reliable
internet service, lets just say things are different here.
I found an interesting internet workstation, bank, coffee house
and who knows what else. So I write to you about the different
church services on my journey to Mexico.
World Harvest Church, Murrieta, I was blessed to attend
serviced with Paul Krause and his Family. The regular pastors
were out of town so wewere blessed with a message by Pastor
Ramos, he was visiting from San Diego. His message was about
walking in Love. He spoke of honor, how many times we don't
honor others, we don't inturn love others. Our daily life is
full opportunities to honor others, but we many times miss
it in the smallest of things. Loving those who love you is easy
how about loving that guy who disrespects you, that person you
know is on the wrong path and you want to tell everyone else
about it. Wow our world is full of small opps to love others
through simple honor, how often are we doing it. Pastor Ramos
is Filipino, a man of color, he has been blessed wtih many
gifts, fruits of the Spirit, he has made some good, sound
relationships with many American Pastors, a while back he felt
his difference in skin color was holding him back the other
pastors were looking at him as different, that was all in his
headhe wasn't honoring them, he was making something up that
didn't exsist,he was falsely putting up a barrier, and not
allowing those pastors to truley impart to him through his on
misgivings. He wasn't honoring them, he was thinking poorly
of them...Wow as a Mexican I do that all the time in Door County
around all the white people, well lighter colored than me,
I am Sorry to all I have prejudged.
That night was great, how many times I hear a message on
walking in Love and I can still hear something new...
similar messages, new ears.
Pancho Rubio

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