Saturday, April 23, 2005

CONOCER A RHEMA "Get to know Rhema"

My last full week at Rhema was a blast! It was Conocer a Rhema. A fun
week for all, this was basically an open house for the school free classes
for everyone. All the Teachers of the school got share their passion. The
guest speaker was Pastor Guy Duininck from Tulsa, he travels the world
speaking at many conferences and Bible Schools if you get the chance
check out his website He takes calculus and
makes it as easy as 1 +1 =2...REALLY He takes those biblical truths and
applies them to daily life, our purpose in life and our responsibilities. I
was happy to hear him teach in English while Enrique translated, I got a
biblical Spanish lesson as well. His daughter Catherine was along for the
ride, it's amazing how kids adapt to different environments, languages
and cultures without missing a beat. I was really happy being a part of
the team hear at Rhema and putting my best foot forward as a
representative of "Door Of Life" WI. Included are a mix of pictures
featuring staff and students that have helped make my visit blessed.
Hey a new Pope, let us pray that he is filled with the Holy Spirit and
continues the wonderful work Pope John Paul started and felt was so
important, AMEN. Frankie

Me and my 2 office helpers, actually Gloria runs a pretty tight ship (on left) and Gaby is married to Pastor Kevin she does a lot of childrens ministries. Posted by Hello

Celerino, Victor, Me and David...just waiting for something to happen. Posted by Hello

Pastor Guy Duininck an incredible teacher, a fun man to talk to and listen to. Annointed. Posted by Hello

Catherine hanging with the Marvin's, Posted by Hello

Pastor Tim Rogers has been a blessing to me and my questions, he truley LOVES Mexico City and it's People. He found his place and purpose in ministry and guides others to thiers. Posted by Hello

Gloria is the first employee of Rhema Mexico, Posted by Hello

Catherine, Pastor Guy's daughter made friends with everyone, she was my helper selling a lot of Master's Touch Ministries items. Posted by Hello

Enrique is an awesome servant of God, this week he spent many hours as Guy Duininck's interpreter from the pulpit. Posted by Hello

Alvaro is in pre-ministry, He is the hardest working guy there. He will attend Rhema as a student in September, he has the makings of a very successful Pastor. Posted by Hello

Rudolfo's daughter is a first year student at Rhema. Posted by Hello

Rudolfo, a man of Faith...he is the daytime Guard, greeter, and all around ready to serve. Posted by Hello

Preparing for one of Pastor Guy's Lessons Posted by Hello

Friday, April 15, 2005

Programa Ninos de la Calle, Mexico City

Last year was quite a bit different than this year. We went to
Ninos de la Calle, kids home shelter as a large group and spent
the whole day there. It didn't look like that was on the horizon,
so when I saw Francisco Pena Orozco at church on Sunday I
decided to make a quick visit this week. Francisco is the Founder
of this organization. His Father was taken off the streets by
some Catholic Nuns many years ago when he was a child. The
Nuns made an outstanding impact on his life. He grew up in an
orphanage in the early 50's, got married and educated his children
in a Catholic school. Francisco is one of them, he is also an
attorney. Seeds were planted in that family many years ago.
To make a long story short this morning I hooked up with David
Diaz, we went downtown to a large school supply house and went
crazy buying; notebooks, pencils, sharpeners, holders,calculators,
crayons of all sizes, markers, geomerty kits, barrettes, colored
bracelets, well you get the idea...bags of school supplies.
Thank You to those of you who have donated. It felt great to
be picking those items with no worry of money. I think I'm
loosing my grammar, my spelling is terrible.
Now the Kids! they were around on a lunch break so I got to see
them just for a short while. Check out the pictures, click on them
to see them larger. Their was some really cool art projects in
Francisco's office. The detail on Gianni's work, a 10 year old at
the orphanage is really incredible. All the work is Playdough!!!
I'm going to keep my eye on Gianni, he'll make a good jeweler
in about 7 years. If you have something in your heart to give
these kids, please don't hesitate, donate and write in the
message area that you want it to go to "Ninos de la Calle"
as cash or supply's. This is the first time on my site I actually
ask for money. Believe me they not only need it, it's planting
in the future...Good soil. Gianni is only one example of the
Talent just below the surface that is at a point of breaking
through...or without supplies, undeveloped talent. Pancho

This is a picture of the outside of the orphanage,The blue doors are the entrance.  Posted by Hello

I was able to catch some of the kids after their lunch break heading back to school. Posted by Hello

These kids are such naturals, ready to pose. Posted by Hello

These kids LOVE a camera! Posted by Hello

They were just shoving and pushing to get into the picture, off screen one kid took a header, Posted by Hello

These kids were trying to get the camara from me to see the previous pictures. Posted by Hello

This art project for the kids at the orphanage was Play Dough figures on a piece of cardboard 8" X 10". Some nice work. Posted by Hello

Gianni's artwork is my favorite, this little guy is 10 yrs old. I make jewelry so I know how hard this is to do.  Posted by Hello

Most of these sculptures are less than an inch tall...Play dough! Posted by Hello

Gianni has a lot of Talent. Posted by Hello

This little fisherman is too cool. Posted by Hello

Remember Gianni is donig this all in Playdough. Posted by Hello

This Cow is so realistic. Posted by Hello