Saturday, April 02, 2005

Mexico City

Well it's Saturday morning here in Mexico City and I am
so happy to be here! This place is truly different, I am
living in a 2 bedroom apt. about a 12 min. walk to The
Rhema Bible Training Center, The area is nice and safe
I have been blessed with the availablity of this spot,
the other places I would have rented were in some very
dicey parts of town, I might have been mugged or something.
All kidding aside I am quite comfortable.
Rhema, what a blessing! I am around some very loving people,
we have spent a lot of time in prayer, fellowship, and
laughter. Pastor Rhonda (Tim's wife) has really got the
Holy Spirit flowing through her, as she speaks she conveys
a biblical message as well as a message of caring, compassion
and God's Love. The latter without words but with conviction
of Spirit, kind of hard to explain at this moment, yet un-
forgetable. She spoke of healing and not just the physical
sympton...God wants to heal the CAUSE! Why is this illness
or pain manifesting itself in our bodies? She wants us to
understand that God is here to heal our short comings.
Pastor Tim has also just blown me away with his messages,
He is an awesome teacher... Can you imagine being at the
city dump where people live amongst the trash handing out
lunches, singing with the clowns for the children, explaining
God's salvation, promises, grace, and love. AT THE CITY DUMP!
It takes a very bold man to lead a group of missionaries to
a place where the people quite literally have, by american
standards nothing, and explain to them God, Jesus Christ
Loves them, they are part of God's plan. Incrediably true
but not easy to explain if one thinks too much or too little,
faith is the answer,"one man's trash another man's treasure."
Who am I to say what is important to survival, these people
posess different talents, yet they need to know that God has
a plan, a purpose for their life. I can not judge where they
live or how they live, a person of higher means can look at me
and say "how does that guy believe, he owns nothing, Gypsy
lifestyle, not sure of his next move" well that's what it
looks like from the outside, rest assured I am quite happy
of the path I am on. So judgeing, feeling sorry for these
people won't help, sharing God's Word and purpose as it was
shared with me is what will help. Pastor Tim spoke of one
of the leaders of a particular section of the dump explaining
how they need to be thankful of what they have as they are
being relocated to a different part of the dump, Yeah, the
little they have is now going to have to be moved. This Pastor
leader is a man of Faith. Pastor Tim possed the message of
thankfulness to the sunday congregation (a mix of middle class
mexicans hungry for God's Word) I can't begin to explain his
message, but I know one thing everyone left with that message
deep in their hearts, the action of thankfulness not just the
words. I hope I have given you a glimpse of what I am
experiencing here. A day does not pass that I don't learn
something...AMEN Pancho Rubio

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