Friday, April 08, 2005

The Power of Prayer

This week has been filled with surprises. One of the
Missionaries from Tulsa, David Chacon has had quite
the Life. He is my age 45, I will be 45 on the 18th
of April. While I was busy designing jewelry, hanging
out, having fun and grasping at everything I thought
to be important, David joined the Army, soon he was in
the Special Forces training other Nations how to defend
themselves. Within a few years he was Head of Security
and Anti-terrorism in Colombia, fighting the Drug lords
and involved in many covert operations facing death
daily. He was raised as a Christian and when he joined
the service he thought he was going to be one of God's
warriors...He slipped further away from God, but not his
blessings, He was under full protection even as he ran
closer to death. He speaks of the rush he would experience
while storming a house of a known cell leader, all the
while knowing of the eminent death of one of his men,
one of the many guards inside the house or himself.
Rarely were there no casualties! He is full of stories,
yet it is difficult to get him to speak of those days,
he uses his past to get points across to the people we
minister to. He finally gave himself back to Jesus in
1988 after many, many life to death experiences. He
realized God had a Purpose for him. In 1997 he was led
to the Ministry he in his 3rd @ Rhema. To be with him as
we go out to these small towns and administer the Word
of God is a new experience, praying over these hearts
of precious fruit breaks down walls of Satanism, Santaria,
and Witchcraft that have had some of these people under
a spell of unhappiness, guilt, fear, and the lack of
LOVE. Now get this, after a 2 hour bible class/prayer
service in someones home, these wonderfull people turn
and pray for our protection, provision, and strength.
Beleive me I would not believe it myself. Oh, by the
way my nickname is Thomas, you know "doubting Thomas"
By the end of my trip that will change.

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