I'll bet you're wondering "How can I help out in Mexico?" I have one of
many ways you can get involved, it's easy, it's cheap, you won't feel
guilty afterwards, you'll put a smile on a kid's face, and you'll help out
Rhema Bible Training Center. Our fundraising effort involves the selling
of Chocolate Bars (Photo Above) All the students are required to sell one
box of Chocolate Bars, I think we can do better, you see they are selling
thier Chocolate Bars locally to whomever. I had an idea that you could
buy a Chocolate Bar from us here in Mexico and in turn give it to one of
the many children in the Orphanage. I'll do all the leg work (I promise I
won't eat any of yours) Really you can buy one, you could buy ten, you
can buy a whole box full, price? $1.75 a bar, $50.00 a box, so if you plan
on giving more than $10.00 please donate over the website or mail a
check to:
Baylake Bank
Hwy 42
Fish Creek, WI 54212-0046
For less than $10.00 please mail a check, the website donation button
won't except less the $10.00...not my rule. Then one last thing Email me
fgrubio@gmail.com and let me know how many Chocolate Bars you
bought, that way I can tell the children receiving those gift's your name.
Remember these kids over 300 in the two locations I work with, have no
luxuries you know like parents, somebody to do homework with them,
somebody to say "Hey great Job" after doing well in school, somebody
here on earth who loves them just for being. Well you get the idea.
Plus you buy yourself a "guilt free Chocolate Bar"
Above all, remember to pray for these young lives so full of potencial.
Thank You, Frank
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